Friday, February 04, 2005


18 hours more. Lesser.

At this moment, my heart can't take the limbo and I need to run.

I need to run.

I had a dream the other day.

It started with a close up shot of a pair of shoes, the same pair of wedges I happen to be wearing today, with a pair of female feet in it.

In my dream, I was thinking why someone is wearing my shoes. And who it was. Then the shot zoomed out and I saw I was the one wearing them, except it didn't feel like me. And I was looking at me and not feeling like I was the girl wearing my shoes.

There's some expression about stepping into someone's shoes, an expression that involves being replaced. That was what I felt in the dream - that someone else would just step into my shoes now.

And as stupid and totally childish it is - I am not that deluded to not recognise the unreasonable-ness of this paranoia and insecurity - I feel that way.

And I hate it.

Be still, my heart. Be still, be still, be still.

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