Tuesday, October 28, 2003


Acid juices make me hyper. Everytime I get gastric pain, my mind seems to distangle from my body. I talk louder, I talk nonsense, I laugh louder and generally behave rather unlike my usual "staid" self. (By the way, "staid" reminds me of elephants)

Does speaking faster connotes genius? I think not.

Does pushing your own pitch as the gospel truth make you the best salesman? Beep, not in my book.

When I am high on acid (that's what the tummy produces when one gets gastric I think), I tend to rave.

Acid juices II = Frustration. When I am frustrated, the testosterone in my body must go up. That's why I speak fast, I glare, I walk fast and I talk to myself, bullet-speed while I make calls, do work, mumble and get uncontrollable urges to hit things.

I wish hitting things was legal. Wait, it is. As long as the thing is indeed a thing, and not alive, and it belongs to no one who can sue you. If I break a punching bag, people stare. I don't get why. They should applaud at the spectacle. And provide me with more things to hit.

I am having gastric pains. Grrrr....

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