Hi there, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing folks who read my blog.
I have no idea who many of your are any more but no, I still mean every description in the greeting above :)
Are you in Melbourne?
What are you doing this Sunday?
Methinks you should trot along down to Planet Shakers City Church. They are meeting at RMIT's Storey Hall. There are two services - one at 345pm and the other at 6pm. But the one you should go to this week is the 6pm one.
Besides having a great time with GOD, you will also ta da! witness the graduation of an awesome man of God, R a y C h u a h who will officially complete his nine-month internship with the church.
It has been an awesome year.
To take up the internship and follow God's call when you are a fresh grad feeling unique pressures and expectations is "not easy", to express it simply and very inadequately.
I can't be there to scream, whoop, shout out very loud cheers, encouragement and total heartfelt pride; bop a bit while making my neighbours deaf; and turn paparazzi and news camera crew when planet uni's first intern goes up the stage, get his cert and get prayed for. I wish I can but I can't.
You, however can.
So go.
Being in the house of God and seeing His workers honoured is always a soul-moving time.
Go :)
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