Saturday, November 08, 2003


"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:31, 32

The truth wasn't the red pill, but it is the new world that unveiled after taking it, the light outside Plato's cave, but like Neo, in rags and a hole in his skull, we sometimes think and feel like we are still chained.

'cause we are still surrounded by all the glop, and still in the system, and if we look at ourselves in its mirrors, we see unglamourous, pitiful machine-influenced persons, in sackcloth and wasteland.

BUT we have been freed. It's true. Freedom - post red pill (the decision to accept Jesus Christ into your life) - is a realisation in the mind. Faith is not based on works and miracles. It's not how you feel, it's what simply IS.

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