Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I took forever to do this, and God knows I am not even sure of these companies I am sending my resume to. But three emails later, and a read though a friend's story of how God led him to greater heights in a land where he didn't speak the language or know the system after he quit the paper a few weeks after I did have heartened me amazingly so.

I am singing the lyrics of Zoo Station, U2:

"I'm ready
I'm ready for the laughing gas
I'm ready
I'm ready for what's next
I'm ready to duck
I'm ready to dive
I'm ready to say
I'm glad to be alive
I'm ready
I'm ready for the push"

And I am going to send out more emails with my neat little pdf resume out tonight.

For now, I am going to take advantage of the 26 degrees weather (I feel like I am burning up just sitting in my room) and go hit the park with my laptop. It's my date with God and we are going to think through some stuff.

The joys of Someone who will never let you go.

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