Thursday, November 25, 2004


For once, I slept early and dozed off by 1am.

I woke up at 340am, irritated about being a vicious mozzie's meal, before my mind was stunned into clarity by the yellow almost-full moon looking right in at me through the picture window. Went to the bathroom, counted four bites on my right arm, went back to the futon, applied the trusty Ping An Oil from home (from Hong Kong), and... logged onto Msn.

The unusualness of how the day was started perhaps set my random mood for the whole day.

By the way, I love going to Vic Mkt for a short run - one where my arms don't fall off from carrying purchases - in the early afternoon on a sunny day. Shades on, slippers on, no jackets required... if one could bottle feelings like they can capture moments with cameras and videos, this is one I want bottled.

And I will like to bottle the whole of Vic Mkt in two formats - the usual one and the night mkt which started yesterday - in those ship in a bottle capsule. Only on much larger scales. And take them home with me.

U2's album is so good. I can't not smile :>

Having a drum set at home is so good. I can't not laugh.

Music is so precious, I thank God You made it and left it with us.

Despite every uncertainty, and there are so many, I feel happy. The sun shines through said picture window, Bono is singing A Man And A Woman (his wife is so fortunate...), and in a short bit, I would be going out to have dinner with some friends.

Life is good.

The freedom of having your own living space is addictive. But yet, I won't seek to have my own pad in Singapore. It would be different, yes, perhaps too different for me to want it.

And you know, perhaps none of these should ever be bottled. Because life here is so beautiful because it is alive. Because it is fluid. Because it is not mine to control or hold. Because it holds me, not vice versa.

I love hearing live music in my own house.

I love it all.


Thank You, Lord. I love You so.

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