Three job interviews.
Three offers.
Only One God. His Name is Jesus Christ and He always blows my mind.
One's a full-time ministry. One's a Christian company who believes (rightfully) that what it does is ministry. And another one has Christian roots but is right now commercial.
They are respectively - This, this and this.
Job duties are - again respectively - promotions, including handling the literature and going around speaking to churches about the ministry; promotions, including creating and handling newsletters, catalogues, website and some events management help when speakers and bands are brought in; and the last one - editor, editing books for their publishing arm.
On Sunday, when I bought tickets to go to PJ, it was for one interview.
I was due to leave on Fri and have the interview on Sat. On Tues, the ministry called me in response to my two-week-old email and I suggested a Fri interview provided I could arrange the tickets. I arranged it that evening, got the last third seat on the bus. On Thurs, before I left for the bus, I checked my email and found a letter from the publishing company. I replied, asking if a Fri interview is possible.
On the bus, 10 minutes after I put in my Msian prepaid SIM card, they called and we settled on an interview time.
So it was arrive on Thurs, 730pm. Interviews - Fri, 10am. Fri, 130pm. Sat 5pm.
And all that from basically nothing except emails and referrals for about three weeks.
God is great.
I'm going to be praying and making my choice this week.
Will blog again :) Thanks for the prayers!
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