Tuesday, April 12, 2005



There is a cabinet where the daily paper gets stacked in the office, where we go to grab our copies of the paper every day. I visited that grey cabinet four times today and it's random and strange and utterly duh really but the first three times, I opened the cabinet door, and looked at the pile of papers, checked the date on the paper (April 12) and somehow, somehow, I have no idea why, I walked away with the impression that they were backdated copies. As I stared at the date, I thought that to myself immediately. Somehow, somehow. In my mind, it was the 21st, I really don't know why. So yeah, I walked away three times with the same impression. And it was only after I spotted the paper on a colleague's desk when I was woken from my reverie of sorts and realised waitaminute, that's the cover similiar to the one in the cabinet. And thus my fourth time walking over to finally grab it. Strange, strange, strange.

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