Wednesday, March 28, 2007



What makes the heart goes away to a different time and place so fondly, every now and then?

I read somewhere once of a person who refuses to say any experience was the time of his life, or the best xxx ever 'cause he believes when one pronounces such a judgement, you will forever be living in the past, always reminiscing of the (past) time of your life. Rather, to live believing the best is yet to come - That's the attitude to have and live out.

But to avoid that looking back is impossible. Though definitely not always detrimental, what makes the heart stop in bitter-sweet motion and look backwards, steeped in some sort of sorrow and fondness over those days of our lives?

I don't quite understand this life and the way we live it sometimes but I think that that looking back is such an enigma, a remembering of things gone past, at times a thanksgiving and a smile, a human awareness and identity defining moment. How do you guard yourself from stepping out of the present in those moments though? At least, guard against stepping out in such a way that you isolate those around you now in the present?

Human emotions remain at times so strange and yet so encompassing-ly embracing. How almost odd. And man, I can't believe it's already Wednesday.

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