Friday, September 01, 2006


R a y's leading worship at CG tonight and I'm playing keys/ piano for him ('cause the chords on guitars a bit harder lah...). Was surfing to find some info about transposing and capos and all that 'cause I'm trying to understand things better and I came across this gospel music site.

"Preaching chords" keep coming up and I was wondering what they are, guessing they are the chords you play if the preacher wants you to play while he preaches. Then lo and behold, I found the explaination here (cut below). It's gorgeous and priceless! Hehe. :D Love it! But no, I can't play that.

What Are Preaching Chords??

Preaching chords are a series of chords played when the preacher is really into his message. Usuallythe preacher is grunting at the end of his sentences, which let's the musician know to play a chord or run. This is usually found in most black churches, but not limited to just black churches. Here is a typical way of using preacher chords: Key Eb LH/RH Preacer: "And the Bible says that God," (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Ab / Gb-Bb-C-Eb Preacehr: "so loved this her world," (grunt) musician plays preacher chord or run: A / Gb-A-C-Eb Preacer: "that He gave," (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Bb / F-Ab-C-Eb Preacer: "His only begotten Son," (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Bb / Ab-Bb-D-Gb Preacer: "To die for the sins offff the world," (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Gb, Ab, Bb, Ab, Gb, Eb (run w/both hands fast) Preacer: "Can somebody say yeeaaahhh?" (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Gb / E-Bb-Eb Preacer: "yeeaaahhh?" (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: F / A-C-Eb-Gb Preacer: "yeeaaahhh?" (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Bb / Ab-Bb-D-Gb Preacer: "yeeeaaahhh!!!" (grunt) muscian plays preacher chord or run: Eb / Db-G-C-Eb (hold chord while pressing bass note repeatedly)

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