Saturday, February 24, 2007


Got this from Jerem y's site.

"Mega churches" and the controversy and debate they attract are familiar and I've been on both sides before but "rock concert" elements or decibel level are moot to me now. What I'm looking for, wanting to be a part of and intent on building up is a church that is relevant.

A lot of good people, Christians go through their lives increasingly bored with the church. You know people like that, I do too. I reckon I was one too.

In the day-to-day living of reality, somehow, the Christianity preached and modelled seem toothless and impotent. Some Christians walk away from God, some remain the status quo, some wonder why this lack of life but never get close to an answer.

I really believe faith is not a toothless tiger or white elephant.

I really believe faith is empowering, relevant and meant for the living.

I don't believe that faith is that repeating of passive mantras coated with defeatism. I believe the Word of God is alive and able to pierce through my circumstances and situations even when I'm not sure whether He will deliver me from the furnace (just like Daniel's three friends did not know before they were thrown to the fire).

I believe in reaching up and out and communicating with my God, such that at the end when I say "Your will be done", it's breathed out of that understanding of His Omnipotence and our relation and not 'cause I'm powerless and governed by passive fate.

How can you feel the victory if you have never fought?

A part of me is trying to put out there now my Christianity 'cause down the road, I really don't want any friend to feel estranged from me because of... well, me.

Mega churches and "prosperi ty gospels" are magnets for derision. My church in KL is about 200-strong now, hardly mega but I believe it's going to grow in size to the thousands. Not because I want to be in a mega church but because there's such real life in the church and life attracts people.

I believe God wants to bless me but I don't go cursing the devil for my poor financial state now or my lack of a car and house and more pretty dresses (and accessories). I pray for and simply recognise the season I'm in but being here does not discount my belief that God wants to bless and prosper me.

There are those who preach prosperity and derides any illness, poverty as signs of the devil or weakness of faith. That sucks. But I'm not going to let the black sheep mess up my view and relation of and to my Father.

I believe that every single person has a specific purpose in this life. Not all of us find it, 'cause not all of us ask. Not all of us ask but graciously, sometimes we muddle and fulfill some parts of it. But how do you recognise something if you do not even acknowledge it?

I'd like for Christians to hear anew that we are each "called" and to hear anew in a new way the way "calling" and "purpose" resound and mean.

I'm focusing and committing myself to building a church that is alive and relevant 'cause I really think it's high time Christians get to live more.

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