Saturday, February 19, 2005

19:21. / in another place still referred as home, 22:21.

Am sitting at my blue Ikea table listening to Neighbourhood, Vonda Shepherd.

Two weeks and counting since I left that neighbourhood.

This coming week may bring some turbulence, watching people go back to Melbourne while I stay behind. There's no resentment, just a longing that has accompanied the missing which has not stopped.

Yet, I know I am stablising.

We always write of and observe a dualism in us people. Sometimes, we call our double-mindedness the divide between heart and soul, sometimes, we term the conflict one of the left and the right brain. Impatience, perhaps dismiss it as weakness.

Whatever it is, my longing for Melbourne still grips my heart even as I pray now for the environment I am in, people I am with and country I live in. Practical stuff to do, conscious decisions for conduct have been made, and there are much I know that requires extra hands, more prayers, just love.

Lord, I'm half scared to pray this but in the measure You taught me to give myself to and in Melbourne, help me to give myself to Singapore now. I see so clearly so many of the lessons You brought me 3,500 miles over to there for and time will made clearer why You brought me 3,500 miles back. I believe in my King, my Jesus, the heart of my God.

Help me, Lord. Love me and help me love others. Bless me and help me bless others. Lead and guide me so that I can be such a light to guide others on life's path. Use me, Lord, for Your Glory. And in the midst of every thing, as long as I have breath in me, guide my heart, dear Dad. Guard my heart. Guide my heart.

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