Monday, February 07, 2005


Met up with friends, went to Chinatown, marvelled at the cheap prices, had a coconut for SGD1, bought the first ever anklet I bought myself for SGD2, went ga ga over Chinese embroidery bags and tissue holders, unsuspectingly spent SGD25 on some Taiwanese jelly.

I loved being in the bustle of a place with the feel of a night market. There was a pasar malam at the field next to Woodlands MRT too, and a UK fun fair. The latter reminded me of the Mooba I won't be at, the pasar malam I loved for the Malay food.

Soaking in culture is enjoyable.

Had prawn mee for dinner, followed by fruits, just like old times in the office, since my dinner companion happens to be someone I worked with before.

Meeting up with old friends remain something that brings a smile on my face. Your make me feel at home, feel normal, and feel okay. Thank you for being who your are.

Being on the MRT again, being on bus 900, walking that path between the bus stop and my block again was soothing and quietly great. I looked up at the stars - I always did that - and could see many. They looked less bright, somewhat diminished but they were there.

I have to emphasise I am glad to be back, seeing you people at the airport waiting for me really felt good, getting sms-es and calls, emails and such. I am glad to be back. I really am.

But I have a habit of being brutally honest with my feelings, and I do miss Melb and ppl now and thus expresses so. I don't want your to feel slighted, please be assured that I don't mean that I am not glad to be here. I am just navigating my own limbo and adaptation.


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