Friday, November 17, 2006


Woke up today a few minutes before my 730am alarm went off and I felt better and more well than I had in days :) Think last night's nice good dinner at Ray's really helped :)

On Fridays, my man has regular 730am meetings (I know... O_O ) so I make my way to work alone. I do every thing a bit slower 'cause I don't have to be ready by 845 to meet him, hehe, so oopsie, it's not unusual for me to be late for work on Fridayyyys.

I'm really chirpy somehow with God Is Great playing in my head. As I type, I have a bemused smile on my face, despite having to retype this post 'cause the window somehow closed on me just now. hmmph! My jolly foot is not pleased. hahhaa. Oops, tt's one of my fave expressions these days - my jolly foot. Teeheehee.


Earlier when I was getting ready, I felt "a slide" come on. You know these slides... when you suddenly feel like you are sliding down to a depressed state or grumpy fit, they are slippery stuff.

But this time, as it started, something inside just automatically rose up and rebuked it.

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Is not your God great and mighty?

I remembered singing Great And Mighty in church in 2004 while I was in a really low, slided stage from philo and headache causing inner arguments and I declared Him over me.

My God IS great and mighty. Greater than any thing I would ever face. Mighty nuff to vapourise any thing in my path like poooooof! *does Ally McBeal baby dance*

So though I still don't know how this is going to work out and my lease ends in six weeks, He is mighty nuff to ta da! open up a way and deliver me!

There's always something to give thanks for.

Though the tap water was inexplicably yellowish today, thank God it cleared up after a while! Though the weather outside is aping the Sahara and I was convinced I got a sunburn just walking to work, thank God for a nice brekkie of apple crumble and chai tea :D in a nice apt where I can live comfortably.

And as I walk to work feeling seriously scorched, in my head I started talking to myself... I think it's God-guided 'cause I was just thinking how hot it was and then the pep talk came with full seriousness, bringing motivation and the reminder to be who I was called to be.

Simple stuff. Nothing cheem. Nothing existential but oh, how it lifted up my spirit!

"So things sometimes screw up. So life is sometimes hard. You just walk on, just walk on. Just keep believing that everyday is an adventure, even when it doesn't feel like it. I can't even see past my now, let alone my today, but He can. He sees it all and He promised an adventure with Him so just walk on, just walk on and believe. Just walk on. Walk on."

So I will. Though I sometimes slide down and I really can't see well and there seems to be decisions demanding action soon enough, I won't dawdle and avoid stuff or be depressed. I'd just walk on, continuing in faith, believing in my great and mighty God, remembering that all He is means I can rest and trust in Him. I will just walk on. Believe and walk on and dare to dream - That's what I'm called to do. Simply to live.

And so I will. Thank You, Lord!

"I'm at the place I started
out from and I want
I want back inside...
All because of You"

- All Because Of You, U2

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