Tuesday, September 14, 2004


New U2's album name will be How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.



The old too oft-used word reaches out and holds my world in its deceiving cocoon. I remember to breath but am treading on pink glob, murk not unlike those that covered Neo when he was unplugged from the pods.


Darling, is there a reason why you follow me? The ancients defined the mind as the feeling "organ" while the heart is the thinking one. I am one of the moderns. Shouldn't it be the other way then?

Tell me if what happens repeatedly is a coincidence. I believe it not. There is a purpose why the people around me are who they are and we click and I care for them but what makes You think I could be strong enough to shine in this midst?


Mental media
New age wave
Be still my stillness
Cease the shout of my name

In my weakness, You are strong. In my every thing, You are strong.

I babble.
My head hurts.
Living waters.
Drown me in Your Goodness.

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